Dan’s Answer: There are some potential ways to do this. The most common is below Ask your company if they...
Author archive for: admin
What if company goes public before my vesting period is over?
“Say I am in year 2 of my employment and have received 25% of my total options are strike price...
Are there good resources for compensation data of privately-held companies?
On the WorldatWork Discussion Board, someone asked the following question: Are there any recommendations on sources to use for compensation...
What does it take to design an ESPP?
A World at Work member posted the following question: I am researching on designing an Employee Stock Purchase Plan for...
ESPP – Elective Suspension by Employee?
The following question was asked on the World at Work discussion board. “Hi there, I wonder if anyone has seen...
The Dark Side of Pay for Performance
When evaluating employee performance, consider how goals were achieved. In today’s competitive business environment, where so much depends on the...
New Hire, Promotional and Annual Grants, which is the biggest and smallest?
Someone recently asked a question on the World at Work discussion board about best practices when determining grant sizes for...
The Duckbilled Platypuses of Compensation
More than two years ago I wrote about “Defining Pay for a Compensation Unicorn”. A unicorn is a person with...
162(m) – Created to Slow Public Companies, but a Real Accelerator for Start-ups
Twenty years ago, 162(m) was enacted by Congress. The purpose of this rule was to slow executive pay growth by...
Stock Options Won’t go the Way of the Dodo Bird
On August 27, 2013, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Last Gasp for Stock Options?” The...