Perfecting compensation is a difficult task. Fair pay is a term we have heard a lot lately. Fair pay can...
When Considering Pay: Everything in Moderation, Including Moderation
Compensation professionals do a lot of moderating. We work to moderate expectations. We work to moderate misunderstandings with incentive pay....
Hey Startups! Tomorrow IS too late!
We’ve all heard the phrase “It’s never too late.” I am sorry to tell you that everyone has been wrong....
Don’t be Your Employees’ Grandma
Grandmas are awesome. They are sweet, loving and great listeners with too many other good things to list. But, they...
Pay Can’t Fix Anything! Fix it then Pay, Not the Other Way
Often companies come to me with a request to design a compensation program, philosophy or market analysis hoping it will...
1 Versus 100 ($1M Vs. $100M)
On January 16, 2014 it was announced that Yahoo ended the employment of their COO and second in command, Henrique...
Exceeding Expectations is Like Having Super Powers
A while back I wrote a post titled “It’s the Little Things” where I discussed how seemingly minor details may...
CEO Pay Ratio : Unintended Consequences?
The dreaded CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure is almost here! The SEC has proposed the rules for the regulation required by...
Why do some companies recruit heavily at universities (e.g. Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc.) whereas others only make experienced hires
Link to full answer thread: Dan’s answer My firm does compensation consulting and we often discuss the following with...
Compensation Players, Coaches and Referees
The NFL pre-season is once again upon us. New rules, players, coaches and referees, means new mistakes and new opportunities...