I am looking for specific information on design considerations and options/practices in developing a long term incentive plan for a privately held company. Any anonymous examples would also be helpful. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Dan Walter’s Answer: I think I can provide some help. This is a bit of a specialty of mine.  First...

Is Company Culture Killing Your Pay for Performance?

I just returned from a conference where “culture” was the buzzword. Over and over industry professionals stressed that your compensation...

Small Companies Deserve Compensation Excellence

Often your HR person is also your benefits, recruitment, training, organizational development, problem resolution and party planning resource. Even though...

Pay Can’t Fix Anything! Fix it then Pay, Not the Other Way

Often companies come to me with a request to design a compensation program, philosophy or market analysis hoping it will...

What are the implications for employee shareholders in the event of a reverse stock split at a pre-IPO company? i.e. employee shares go from 500 shares to 200 shares.

orig. post on Quora Dan Walter’s Answer If  the company does a reverse split (the number of outstanding shares is ...