On the WorldatWork Discussion Board, someone asked the following question: Are there any recommendations on sources to use for compensation...
Archive for category: Executive Compensation
The Duckbilled Platypuses of Compensation
More than two years ago I wrote about “Defining Pay for a Compensation Unicorn”. A unicorn is a person with...
162(m) – Created to Slow Public Companies, but a Real Accelerator for Start-ups
Twenty years ago, 162(m) was enacted by Congress. The purpose of this rule was to slow executive pay growth by...
Stock Options Won’t go the Way of the Dodo Bird
On August 27, 2013, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Last Gasp for Stock Options?” The...
What about the 399,500 other CEOs?
Many times, people who find out that part of my business is focused on executive compensation consulting ask how I...
Compensation Players, Coaches and Referees
The NFL pre-season is once again upon us. New rules, players, coaches and referees, means new mistakes and new opportunities...
Are Your Compensation Programs No-DOMA Ready?
First, congratulations to everyone who can now legally experience what is the best thing about my life, marriage. A quick...
Sunlight: Disinfectant, or Growth Enhancer?
Justice Louis D. Brandeis once wrote the following: “Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases....
Now Playing – “The Statistics”
In our world of sound bites and summaries, statistics are playing an increasingly important role. They are the basis of...
Share Price Not Always Linked to Performance
Recently, Financial Times published an article titled “Share price windfall reignites debate over executive pay.” Reigniting a fire that has...