Speed, Velocity and Acceleration in Pay

I was reading a Facebook message a parent posted about their kid’s physics homework and it resonated as a reminder...

Equity Compensation is a Game of H.O.R.S.E.

As kids, many of us played H.O.R.S.E. Heck most adults who touch a basketball still play the game. For those...

Executive Pay Claw backs – Things Just (Almost) Got Real!

The date: July 1, 2015. The place: Washington D.C. The situation: The SEC proposes rules for executive compensation claw back...

ICYMI – Executive Pay Updates Mid-2015

This post is a roundup of recent and impending activity in the world of executive compensation. Normally, this is the...

HR Can’t Afford to Ignore Compensation

A generous person gave three business partners $1 million and said they could use it however they wanted. The only...

Silence Isn’t Golden

I hope your employees aren’t complaining about your compensation programs. If they are complaining out loud, then the problem has...